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Cure healthcare inefficiencies with RPA

Healthcare needs a good dose of RPA

If you’re a healthcare provider, you’re dealing with endless paperwork and administrative tasks that sap your energies and turn your attention away from patient care. But you can get well in a hurry. Robotics Process Automation (RPA) can take on many of the burdensome tasks that clutter up your healthcare system, like:
  • Managing inventory
  • Entering repetitive data
  • Digitizing patient files
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Billing patients and processing claims
 So if you’re looking for something to cure your healthcare administrative headaches, RPA might just be the remedy.
challenges and drive enhanced efficiency and growth. Healthcare is predicted to have a 36% automation potential. This means more than a third of healthcare tasks—especially managerial, back-office functions—could be automated, allowing healthcare providers to offer more direct, value-based patient care at lower costs and increased efficiency.

RPA's impact on healthcare

Diagnosis: a large European hospital needed an RPA transfusion

A general care hospital in Europe with 2,000 employees was struggling to manage 70,000 emergency visits and 300,000 outpatients annually—and with patient loads increasing, its problems were just getting worse. Most of their systems were manual, and almost everything (medical files, financial documents, and more) were paper-based.  


They were trying to move to digital systems but transferring a flood of paper files into a digital database by hand was not only taking too much time and too many people, but it was also adding critical errors. And updating digital records every time medical or financial information changed wasn’t happening consistently either, because—not surprisingly—health care professionals preferred to spend their time working with patients, not paper.  


Another big pain point: inventory management. An inefficient, non-real-time inventory tracking system meant that 20-30% of the hospital’s supplies went unused.  


Appointment cancellations and no-shows were also a huge headache, because they often couldn’t be filled at the last minute—leaving the hospital with a revenue gap even though other patients were waiting long times for their visits.


A healthy outcome: a more efficient hospital and happier patients


When the hospital implemented RPA, the effects were rapid—and profound. RPA allowed it to:
  • Eliminate many internal functional silos and create smoother, faster, and less-manually-intensive workflows and activities.
  • Give patients transparent, single-point access to their information. For the first time, patients could access their medical histories, billing information, and appointment scheduling and reminders from a unified online platform—which not only improved patient satisfaction, but also improved appointment turnout and timeliness of payments
  • Strip costs from its supply chain through real-time reporting and better analytics that let it set optimal inventory levels based on previous needs and patterns in the demand
  • Reduce claims processing costs by 75% (from $4 to $1 per claim) by automating 80% of the process.
Happier patients, smoother operations, professionals with more time to focus on patient care—and a much healthier bottom line. That’s the kind of outcome RPA can provide.

Why UiPath is the go-to RPA solution for healthcare

With intuitive drag-and-drop development, rapid testing and deployment, and secure, compliant data management, the automations built and delivered on the UiPath platform support healthy growth and happy patient experiences.

Better cost management

A software robot’s expense is typically one-fifth the cost of a full-time healthcare staff member . RPA can deliver up to 47% overall savings, especially in healthcare payer BPO . With UiPath’s intelligent scheduling and multi-tenancy, healthcare providers can leverage a cost-effective workforce and significantly reduce operating costs. Robots can be deployed in the cloud or on-premises from a single central server, so you can automate across multiple independent business units.

Enhanced data confidentiality

Keeping patient data private is critical. That’s why UiPath does not locally store any process-related data from software robots. The platform only maintains robot-related activity reports, either locally or on the Orchestrator if using the server option. Patient information accessed during automation of data transfers or claims processing is always confidential.

Intelligent front-office support

Imagine a front office where robots can handle day-to-day patient requests coming through helpdesks or communication platforms—freeing up people to respond to more complex issues. It’s not only possible—it’s happening today. By integrating capabilities from Google, Microsoft, Druid, IBM & ABBYY cognitive and OCR services, UiPath robots can carry on chats, fetch, understand and extract relevant information from documents, and even perceive sentiment.  Patients receive faster responses to their inquiries, at lower cost to you.

Superior system compatibility

UiPath non-intrusively runs automation through human-like interactions with the user interface using intelligent computer vision. Because the software is a process and is application-agnostic, UiPath allows automation of existing healthcare systems and applications (both native and web) to be modeled without affecting the underlying code. And if, like the vast majority of large healthcare providers, you’re working in a Citrix environment you’ll want to know that UiPath runs  8x-10x faster where there is no access to the application’s user interface elements.

Success Story:
Letting a robot handle customer requests

Learn how a leading US healthcare service provider improved accuracy and reduced response times by letting an intelligent robot respond to everyday customer requests

Read Our Guide

Success Story:
Letting a robot handle customer requests

Learn how a leading US healthcare service provider improved accuracy and reduced response times by letting an intelligent robot respond to everyday customer requests

Read Our Guide

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