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RPA - BPO automation solutions

BPO meets RPA

Over 20 years ago, outsourcing business processes hit a critical mass of acceptance. Companies that successfully outsourced application maintenance work realized they could bring similar savings to business operations. A line of uninterrupted growth began, and today — in India alone — the BPO industry is the country’s largest private sector employer, with a workforce of almost 3.5 million people. However, there was no secret, nor magic
behind this rapid growth. As was the case with application maintenance, the BPO business model rested on two very basic pillars: on one side, low-skill, repetitive, high volume work on the other, a large pool of low-cost, trainable workers. Up until 2014, the business model remained stable, with some shifts to more up-market work and less developed countries beginning to compete for work.

RPA's impact on BPO challenges

RPA accelerates BPO innovation

In 2014, Capgemini and UiPath began working on a breakthrough in RPA technology: unattended automation, in which robots would manage robots, allowing the virtual workforce to run in batch mode, free of human decision-making.


During the spring of 2015, cost reductions exceeding 80% were common and by the beginning of 2016 BPO providers were reacting to the new, disruptive proposition of these robots. Some providers downplayed the significance of RPA, but most recognized the wisdom of the EY partner who said, “My position is that if you can describe a process well enough to outsource it, then you could well look at automating it.”


In fact, as RPA innovation advances, more and more BPO initiatives are becoming targeted for minimal or no human involvement at all. Driving the upheaval of the BPO business model are customers who want greater cost reduction, cycle speed, and higher service levels. BPO providers will not disappear. They will likely retool their business model to reflect higher-value skillsets, deeper domain knowledge, contract for outcomes and accelerate BPM innovations. However, their business model will have to incorporate RPA products.

UiPath & BPO: The perfect match

Industry analysts may be unanimous in forecasting rapid and large-scale adoption of RPA technology by BPO providers, but it would be a serious mistake to expect that all RPA products will give them equal value. At UiPath, we identified the essential requirements for BPO and built specifically for their
needs. By working in close partnership with a BPO customer since 2014, we constantly refined our robotic software. It is now regarded as being the perfect match for BPO organizations while having an industry-leading capability. Here are four reasons why:
The ability to automate processes with a wide range of requirements and complexity.
The capability to automate quickly and reliably.
Technology that gets more work out of fewer robots and less infrastructure.
Enterprise grade across application security; data security & encryption, and operational security.
While all RPA customers want the basic benefits of the technology: cost reduction, accuracy, faster cycle times and non-invasiveness, we acknowledge how BPO providers are differentiated by these requirements:
Exceptional Citrix automation

UiPath’s intelligent computer vision and image recognition technology deliver unrivaled Citrix automation speed (8X - 10X faster) and reliability (automatically adjusts to screen changes). This is important because 95%+ of BPO customers have Citrix environments, some have dozens and others have hundreds. Any automation weakness in this area should be a cause for concern.

Virtual delivery centers

VDCs allow BPOs to leverage their global delivery strengths by centralizing automation teams in a few global centers and deploying/managing their virtual workforces in the Cloud. VDCs require two essential product features that UiPath provides - Multi-tenancy: complex deployments demand only one central server, not dozens; Multi-robot Residency: virtual machines can host multiple robots, not just one.

Intelligent Operations Platform

The pedigree of this technology stretches back to the unattended automation developed with Capgemini in 2014. Now, that innovation has been advanced to include: Intelligent Scheduling, Intelligent Execution, Intelligent Scalability & AI/Cognitive Automation. This is designed with one important aspect in mind: BPO providers have a customer base focused on the execution of high transaction volumes. UiPath’s Intelligent Operations Platform provides the high-performance batch processing required to deliver large volumes of work at profitable levels of efficiencies.

Insightful reporting

Our Intelligent Operations Platform includes reporting using Elasticsearch and Kibana. These open source technologies provide unsurpassed analytical and graphic power, and customization for the management reporting requirements of tens, or hundreds of BPO customers.

Success Story

Major BPO integrates UiPath to develop and roll out a global RPA solution geared to enterprise performance standards.

Read Our Guide

Success Story

Major BPO integrates UiPath to develop and roll out a global RPA solution geared to enterprise performance standards.

Read Our Guide

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