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RPA, a new standard for the Telecommunications industry

Telecommunications meets RPA

As more and more people turn to telecommunications companies to keep them connected with diverse, global networks, these companies must compete with one another to provide the fastest, most affordable, and cutting edge services. Yet, many telecommunications providers are burdened with rapid growth and large volumes of operational processes—managing data, controlling cost, increasing business agility, acquiring talent, and developing new services. Each of these pain points presents significant challenges in delivering the most
innovative services to customers. This is where RPA is uniquely positioned to help telecommunications companies meet and overcome these challenges. Many industry analysts predict a significant rise in the next three to five years for automation as one of the key solutions for the telecommunications industry. Whether it is helping telecommunications companies manage large, unstructured datasets or increase their responsiveness to industry disruptions via streamlined operational tasks, RPA is perhaps the perfect match for the telecommunications industry as it continues to grow and develop on a global stage.
A real-life scenario

RPA’s impact on Telecommunications Industry challenges

Let’s consider a European telecommunications service provider based in Spain with around 80,000 employees and 10 million customers. Because of the company’s rapid growth and high process volume, it struggled to execute streamlined processes and fully optimized customer experience. The biggest obstacles faced by the company included low levels of operational agility, inefficient information flows, and high operating costs (OPEX) and capital expenditures (CAPEX).


The telecommunications provider relied on multiple data sources, applications and operating systems running simultaneously to support operations. Significant amounts of data from network providers, engineers, sales representatives and customers were in incompatible forms, in both electronic and paper formats. Inconsistencies in data storage and management meant communication between different platforms typically occurred at sub-optimal levels, often taking up to 24 hours, and involved significant manual intervention on behalf of employees.


Furthermore, the telecommunications provider also struggled to keep control over expenses from maintaining data integrity and security, employee salaries, marketing and advertisements, and software & hardware costs. Inefficiently managing these costs meant not enough operational effort was put towards improving the customer experience, making the company un-deliver. Employees were unable to spend the time they needed to develop deeper customer relationships. The company often had to troubleshoot delays in service delivery to customers.


But there was a remedy. Highly customizable RPA provided the company with the power and tools to more easily manage their back-office workflow and deal with large volumes of repetitive and rules-based operational processes. The telecommunications provider experienced a 14% increase in productivity and was able to decrease the duration of data transfers to just a few minutes, which resulted in additional cost reductions totaling roughly €3 million annually. The company was also able to leverage RPA capabilities to drastically improve internal data communications as well as communications with customers. In support of the company’s call center, more than 95% of communications were automated and the average response time was reduced to 1.5 minutes, allowing for a significant boost in customer service offerings.

The right benefits, delivered

UiPath offers intuitive, cutting-edge automation capabilities and global customer support unmatched by other automation platforms. We allow telecommunications providers to transform operational processes, achieve high levels of organizational growth, and significantly enhance the quality of customer service offerings.

Enhanced agility and scalability

UiPath’s software robotic workforce can be easily sized up or down, with a simple mouse click and no additional costs. With UiPath’s intelligent scheduling and multi-tenancy capabilities, telecommunications providers can deploy an agile workforce in the Cloud or on-premises from a single central server. Flexible automation can stretch across multiple business units and locations so that telecommunications providers can respond to permanent internal growth or temporary changes in customer demand.

Improved data communication
and transmission

The UiPath platform interacts with the user interface like a human and gets implemented non-invasively in addition to existing programs. UiPath is compatible with web, desktop, CRM, ERP, and Helpdesk applications, performing especially well (8X-10X faster) in Citrix environments. With ABBYY and OCR services, UiPath is able to help telecommunications companies remove data gaps between disparate information sources and reduce reliance on paper files.

High levels of data security

The UiPath platform maintains robot-related activity reports and analytics but never locally stores any process-related data from the software robots. Because cyber security risks are a concern for 64% of US telecommunications providers, UiPath ensures that all customer and company information is kept confidential throughout automated operations.

Significant cost reduction

UiPath’s costs are significantly less than the often prohibitive costs for telecommunications providers during BPMS or ERP implementation. Even more so, a software robot’s expense is about one-fifth of the cost for a full-time employee in the telecommunications industry. The UiPath platform enables telecommunications providers to attain rapid internal cost reduction and ROI in as little as 3 months.

Robotic Process Automation for Carriers

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