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UiPath's Macro Recording solution

Sees the user interface like a human

The only FREE Macro Recorder
that has it all!

Created by one of the world’s leading automation software providers, the Free UiPath Macro Recorder is the most advanced recording tool built for free and easy use. It has all the features of an
expert automation software, thus satisfying even the most demanding users. At the same time, it is coding free and has a visual interface design, all of which makes it highly intuitive and comfortable for new users.

How does it work?


Multiple types of recording available

Basic and Desktop

Used for recording most desktop applications that you may work with.


Made for the specific requirements of browsers and web apps. You can record data entry on web forms and extract data.


UiPath is an expert in Citrix automation. Record virtual machines, VNC and of course Citrix Environments with incredible precision.

A fully-fledged automation software tool

A macro recorder is just the first step in automating a manual task. UiPath provides a complete automation software solution that can automate all manual, menial, repetitive tasks that involve using application software. Check out UiPath Studio Community, our free, fully-featured, extensible tool
for automating any web or desktop application.
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virtually anything

A business-ready tool capable of automating the most sophisticated tasks. Record mouse and keyboard actions, data entry on web forms and data extraction. Supports all common text file and database formats.

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Helpful community offering extensive support

Visit our Forum to find guidance on any automation inquiry and share tips and tricks with an active community of users.

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Allows you to modify and parameterize a recorded sequence in detail. Each step is editable.

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on virtual machines

Unmatched Citrix automation. It is the only recorder that is able to create a highly reliable macro on Citrix apps.

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Large library of
predefined actions

UiPath offers extensive resources and has an exceptionally generous list of predefined actions built into the recorder.

No programming

No scripting. Only visual, intuitive diagrams with drag-and-drop & point-and-click functionality.

Common automation examples

  • Keying or screen scraping data on screen
  • Repurposing content
  • Starting or closing a case
  • Comparing data fields on screen
  • Identifying an exception to a process and flagging it for review
  • Making a decision based on a business rule
  • Updating status field in a system
  • Content migration
  • Data mining


  • Business process automation
  • Web data extraction
  • Screen scraping
  • GUI automation
  • Web automation
  • Application integration
  • IT automation
  • Excel automation
  • Mail automation

Need more info?

We're always here to help you on your RPA journey, in any way we can.

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