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Improve Efficiency, Drive Down Costs,
and Make Work More Inspiring.

Think Automation First.


With a robot for every person, how much more could we achieve?

Adopting an 'automation first' mindset is the first step on the path to making digital transformation real in the enterprise. Thinking automation first enables your company to move faster and more effectively. It helps you serve customers better. It enables you to operate more efficiently. It unburdens your employees from mundane, repetitive work, allowing them to focus on solving problems and creating value.

The automation first
three-pronged approach.

  • A Robot for every person

    Just as Bill Gates envisioned a world with a PC for every desktop, UiPath envisions a world with a robot for every person. When every worker has a robot to help with mundane tasks, it frees employees to use time for higher-level work. Workers feel less stressed and become happier and more productive.

  • Open & Free Collaboration

    In business, cooperation and competition are deeply co-dependent. Technologies, too, can work together, and can also work with people. Ideas can mix, mingle, and make magic. By facilitating these unions, whether through our community, our partners or through a combination of both, UiPath creates an environment to nurture automation first and to accelerate human achievement.

  • Robots learn skills

    We’re enabling robots to learn new skills through AI and machine learning. To help humans, robots not only must do the grunt work, but they need to be able to act intelligently.  With AI and machine learning, robots can extend the scope of work they complete beyond rules-based-action to judgment tasks.

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Our automation first vision

We envision a work world where automation first is the first thought when an employee needs help to accomplish a task or improve a work process. The first question will be, “how can I automate this task to improve my efficiency and effectiveness?”, rather than trying to execute all work manually.

Companies leveraging an automation first mindset will unlock the maximum potential for an automated enterprisewhat Gartner calls hyperautomation. They will dominate their competitors because they are faster, more efficient, more adaptable, and have unlocked more human resources to innovate and outthink the competition. 

“Maybe it’s not just a game changer for your organization; maybe it’s a game changer for society.”

Daniel Dines · Co-Founder & CEO UiPath

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