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IT Central Station

Looking to launch a robotic process automation (RPA) project within your organization, but unsure how long it will take to see ROI? Or maybe you’ve been running automations for some time but haven’t found the right opportunity to scale.

End-to-end automation allows you to holistically plan and efficiently scale your RPA program. While time-to-value varies from company to company, some UiPath users have seen ROI from automation in a matter of weeks.

This paper from IT Central Station looks at the drivers of time-to-value for RPA based on real user reviews of UiPath, as well as the value of low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and end-to-end automation.

“A process that previously required 20 FTEs went from having 40,000 hours of manual work to zero.”
- Chief Automation Officer at Jolt Advantage Group

Find out why end-to-end automation capabilities are key to the long-term success and value of your automation project.

Download the PeerPaper today.

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