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IT Central Station

IT Central Station members are discovering many uses for UiPath Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Finance and Accounting and are especially excited about the savings they’ve been able to realize in time and costs.

RPA also enables better data insights, which results in a better customer experience. The technology frees people to do more valuable, stimulating work while improving the accuracy of their work and making audits run more smoothly.

In this PeerPaper Report, IT Central Station has gathered UiPath users’ experiences with using RPA to automate repetitive, error-prone manual tasks in F&A and the many benefits they’ve seen as a result.

"Using this tool has improved the efficiency, accuracy, and compliance of certain automated operations by up to 75% [...].” - Senior Project Manager / RPA Architect at a tech services company with more than 500 employees

IT Central Station shares unbiased reviews from the tech community. This paper highlights the advantages of RPA in F&A, according to users of the UiPath RPA platform. Based on reviews on IT Central Station, the study delves into the wide variety of RPA use cases in finance and accounting, along with the ways an RPA platform can help business managers achieve success with the technology.

Download your full copy of the IT Central Station PeerPaper Report today to gain an understanding of the benefits RPA can bring to F&A.

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