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Shared services centers (SSC) and global business services (GBS) have always focused on delivering cheaper, faster, and better services to the enterprises they serve. While cost efficiency continues to be important, there is more pressure than ever for SSCs and GBS to digitally transform the operations and create new services and business value.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been helping organizations of all shapes and sizes accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. RPA helps automate and optimize processes by creating software robots that free employee time to focus on high-value activities. Take EDP Valor for example, the GBS company for the EDP Group saved 55,000 hours while improving its employee satisfaction and service offering.

How does your SSC or GBS take full advantage of RPA? This new whitepaper explores how RPA is transforming shared services, and provides practical advice for implementing and scaling RPA in your organization.

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