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UiPath and Coca-Cola İçecek: The Alchemy of an Automation Culture


Photo of Leyla Delic

Leyla Delic

Chief Information and Digital Officer, Coca-Cola İçecek

Photo of Shail Khiyara

Shail Khiyara

Customer Experience Officer, UiPath

With a chain of operations spanning over 10 countries across Turkey, Pakistan the Middle East and Central Asia, plus a consumer base amounting to 400 million, Coca-Cola İçecek needs no further introduction. Based in Turkey, the beverage company made a name for itself in the industry over the years, while staying true to its customer-centric values and constant drive for innovation, digital transformation included.


Register now and watch Leyla Delic (Chief Information and Digital Officer, Coca-Cola İçecek) and Shail Khiyara (Customer Experience Officer, UiPath) to learn some amazing insights on Coca-Cola İçecek’s experiential journey into digital transformation through automation, the alchemy between its brand culture and automation, as well as the lessons learned while constantly improving customer experience.


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