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On Demand Webinar: UiPath's Approach to RPA

Find out what makes automation
from UiPath unique


Photo of Diego Lomanto

Diego Lomanto


How much of your day do you spend completing repetitive and mundane tasks like compiling spreadsheets and processing claims? Would you be interested if we told you there is now a better way?


In this webinar, Diego Lomanto of UiPath discusses what makes automation from the UiPath standpoint unique, a hot topic on both business and developer agendas across the world. Learn more about how robots can create more jobs while increasing productivity and smiling employees in the workplace.


By the end of this webinar you will understand:

  • The UiPath Approach to RPA
  • UiPath Architecture
  • Why Do Businesses Need RPA?
  • What Benefits Can the Automation First Era Bring YOU?




Watch the webinar today!