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29 August 2019

UiPath joins techUK to champion better use of disruptive technology that drives transformative public sector efficiencies

29 August 2019

UiPath joins techUK to champion better use of disruptive technology that drives transformative public sector efficiencies

UiPath, the leading robotic process automation (RPA) enterprise software company, is working with key influencers to develop greater collaboration between technology, government and the tech industry. The company is now a member of the techUK Public Services Board (PSB) – which leads the techUK campaign for better public services through better technology. 


As the techUK leadership forum for public sector work, the PSB sets and prioritises the agenda for promoting and maximising the tech industry’s contribution to the delivery of world-class, affordable public services. The organisation aims to improve the engagement between government and the tech industry; provides leadership on critical policy issues related to public services transformation; and leadthe debate on the use of innovative technologies. All this is to drive efficiencies for the benefit of front-line public servants, taxpayers and UK citizens and communities. It drives progress towards tech-enabled public service transformation in four priority areas: 


  • Skills and diversity 
  • Data sharing in the public sector 
  • Commercial procurement
  • Innovation  

Ian McGregor, Vice President UK Public Sector at UiPath, said:

It is a privilege to join the techUK Public Services Board, and to champion together a better use of disruptive technologies that transform our public services. The PSB priority areas are also ours at UiPath. We want to increase the tech industry’s contribution to the delivery of world-class, affordable public services, that better serve our communities. 


Jacqueline de Rojas CBE, President of techUK, commented:

We’re excited to welcome UiPath to our Public Sector Board, and work with them on wide-ranging challenges that techUK’s public sector programmes are addressing.

The PSB meets 10 times a year, involving the highest members of government, including representatives from the Ministry of Defence (MOD).  


This membership represents further advancement for UiPath – which scooped up four industry awards in June and July. 


About UiPath 


UiPath has a vision to deliver 'a robot for every person,' one where companies enable every employee to use, create, and benefit from the transformative power of automation to liberate the boundless potential of people. Only UiPath offers an end-to-end platform for automation, combining the leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution with a full suite of capabilities that enable every organization to scale digital business operations at unprecedented speed.%MCEPASTEBIN% 


About techUK and its public sector board 


techUK represents the companies and technologies that are defining today the world that we will live in tomorrow. More than 900 companies are members of techUK. Collectively they employ approximately 700,000 people, about half of all tech sector jobs in the UK. These companies range from leading FTSE 100 companies to new innovative start-ups. The majority of our members are small and medium-sized businesses. techUK is committed to helping its members grow, by developing markets and networks, and reducing business costs and risks.  As techUK’s leadership forum for its public sector work, the PSB sets and prioritises the agenda for promoting and maximising the tech industry’s contribution to the delivery of world class, affordable public services. 

by Georgeta Gheorghe

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