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RPA Innovation Week is Coming Up, And You Can’t Afford To Miss Out




Mina Deckard July 17, 2018

RPA Innovation Week is Coming Up, And You Can’t Afford To Miss Out

Within the last two years, RPA has sprouted up like a truly disruptive force. But in the beginning, not everyone cared. Not everyone was paying attention. And even those that were, were doing it amidst a general feeling of skepticism and distrust.
But that’s normal.

In 2017, Forrester analysts were projecting that the RPA market will reach $2.9 Billion by 2021, but it’s already exceeding the forecasts. The speed of growth has been incredible. 

Because things are developing so rapidly, we need to ensure that our methods of implementing, scaling and extending RPA also evolve. And, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) complements and accelerates automation — together presenting enormous opportunities — the pressure to achieve scale and drive value becomes all the more serious. 

Although RPA’s value has never been more evident — is there anyone still having a hard time proving to the business that it’s a worthwhile investment? (There shouldn’t be) — it’s true that enterprises are seeing varied results and overall the maturity level is still low. 

The skeptics are still frowning. But again, that’s normal. And they’re right. We need to see RPA succeed in its more advanced forms. We need to see AI driven automation scale.


“One of the big drivers next year will be to have a digital worker which will have enough intelligence to handle a wide range of exceptions,” Craig Le Clair, VP Forrester

We encourage you not to miss the
RPA Innovation Week taking place July 23 - 26, when industry experts will discuss top priorities, challenges, and best practices for both short- and long-term developments in RPA and AI.


There are more or less 50K monthly searches for the term “chatbot” in the US alone


Craig Le Clair, vice president and principal analyst Forrester will kick off this four day thought leadership marathon by carefully scrutinizing current realities as a guide to what to expect from the next 12 months. Did you know that there are currently more or less 50 thousand monthly searches for the term "chatbot" in the US alone? 


Meet Craig Le Clair, VP Forrester on Monday, July 23rd, 2:00 - 3:00 PM UTC


Register Now


During last week’s #UiPathTogether in NY — probably the largest RPA event for Financial Services and Banking, with over 300 executives and partners — one of our distinguished guests, Garret Rinne, who is operations manager at American Century Investments, was asked by someone from the crowd what their biggest challenge currently is, now that they’ve implemented RPA. 

He said: “We’ve generated so much excitement within the organization that now everybody is asking us to go faster.” 

But to go fast, his team had to go slow at first, purposefully slow. Automation is a journey; you can’t rush to get there. Not if you want to be successful. 

So where do you stand on the path to automation? 
Whether you’re just starting your vendor review, staging your POC or looking for the next process to automate, you’ll want to ensure the best possible course of action. 


Those who have been mad enough to launch into RPA early-on have made all the mistakes they were supposed to make for you to now be able to tread on firm ground. You shouldn't be surprised to learn that there are ten common pitfalls to look for when rolling out an automation program. Next Wednesday on the 25th, Vargha Moayed, UiPath’s Chief Strategy Officer, will illuminate them one by one while taking you through the methodology for RPA implementation — from pilot to full scale

Also, make sure you don't miss the other two sessions: 

Custom built machine learning models in UiPath on July the 24th, where Boris Krumrey, Chief Robotics Officer at UiPath, and Eduardo Gonzalez, VP Engineering at Skymind, will explore how integrating custom-built Machine and Deep Learning models with RPA can tame the data behind your decision-driven business processes. 

Scaling Your RPA and developing a risk management plan on July 26, when professor Mary Lacity (Walton College of Business) and Param Kahlon, Chief Product Officer UiPath will expound on the topic of risk mitigation.


RPA Innovation Week

July 23 - 26

 Register Now


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