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RPA for Small Businesses




Katie Behrens February 11, 2015

RPA for Small Businesses

Small businesses are used to getting by with what they have and making the most out of a little when it comes to running the office. Technology becomes a huge investment, and it’s usually a riskier gamble to try new software. However, there are many ways in which robotic process automation can be more beneficial for small businesses willing to take the plunge.

toy_robotThe beauty of a small business lies in the fact that having fewer employees means a more centralized workforce and less bureaucracy. So when it comes to automation, you also want a flexible system. RPA is lightweight, flexible, and scalable. It’s designed to integrate seamlessly with other systems and operate them as a human would. Getting RPA is really like hiring a whole team of grunt workers for a fraction of the cost, which will make your few employees more efficient and free to do more interesting work.

RPA is perfect for handling the daily, repetitive tasks that keep a business running, such as invoice filing, payroll, and data management. Larger organizations have individual departments to handle these processes, but small businesses often don’t. Everyone may be a little bit responsible for many things. With automation, your employees can focus on creative work and customer care, and leave robots with the dull work.

Don’t forget that RPA reports a lot of data about its processes. A small business can leverage that information for more frequent evaluation and improve workflows for efficiency.

Furthermore, small businesses are actually better positioned to make desktop automation work for them. It’s likely that just one or a few employees know every business process start-to-finish, so creating a workflow for the robots is pretty straightforward. That’s rarely the case for large companies, where a single process may be bounced between several departments. With software like UiPath Desktop, automating a workflow is easy for everyone – technical skills are not required. Its drag-and-drop flowchart designer will empower any employee to automate their rules-based processes. It’s almost like giving all of your workers their own, personal robot assistants.

Most importantly, investing in RPA can make a small business more competitive with larger players in the field. You’ll be able to do more with the resources you have. Small businesses can move fast and change quickly to suite their markets and customers. Just think what you could do if your employees weren’t spending half their time on repetitive, back office tasks!

Find out today how UiPath could improve your small business.

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Desktop Automation Solutions Robotic Process Automation RPA Automation

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