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Transform Service Experiences with RPA and Chatbots




Dhruv Asher June 15, 2020

RPA Bots Integration with Druid Chatbots | UiPath

Dhruv Asher is senior vice president (SVP) for Alliances and Business Development at UiPath.


United States (U.S.) consumers are “willing to spend 17% more to do business with companies that deliver excellent service,” according to an American Express study. On the flip side, 33% say they’ll “consider switching companies after just a single instance of poor service.” The stakes are high for getting your customer service strategy right!


Excellent service means different things to different people but there is a growing preference for self service and digital engagement:

  • 68% of consumers note that messaging is the most convenient way to stay connected with businesses
  • Nearly 82% of customers expect an immediate response from brands
  • More than 50% of customers say chat support increases their likelihood of purchase

Another important service option is intelligent chatbots. Customers find chatbots intuitive and easy to use and love getting their questions answered instantly. A Salesforce study found that 69% of consumers prefer to use chatbots for speedy communication with businesses. Their usage in customer service scenarios is growing rapidly. According to an Oracle survey, 80% of businesses currently use or are planning to use chatbots.


Delight customers

At UiPath, we are committed to helping you delight your customers and fulfill their needs across the entire customer journey. We believe that automation can allow chatbots to move from simple interactions to handling advanced service requests. The UiPath Platform now allows chatbots and UiPath robots to work seamlessly together to fulfill your customers service requests. The chatbot understands the customer intent and the robot works behind the scenes to make it happen.


For example, a customer needs an update on her current order. She asks a chatbot for help and provides the order number. The chatbot triggers a software robot to get the order status from the SAP application. The robot provides the order status to the chatbot which helps with the next logical actions. For instance, if the ordered item is delayed then similar items can be suggested for the customer to consider. If she chooses to substitute a different item then the chatbot asks the robot to update the order, posts the updated order in the SAP system, and delivers the invoice to the customer via chat and email. This is just one example of a chatbot and a robot working together – understanding the customer request and taking action to deliver end-to-end service and delight customers.


Another way you can use the UiPath Platform and chatbots together is to create better employee experiences.


Improve employee experiences

Today, your employees spend a lot of time accessing many applications for things like leave requests, order verification, vendor management, sales updates, etc. With the combination of automation and chatbots, employees can use the chatbot interface to get information or post data into applications without needing to switch from screen to screen. App fatigue can be a thing of the past and employees can focus on getting work done (instead of focusing on the type of application or the processes themselves).


To accelerate building integrated chatbot and automation scenarios like these we have partnered with Druid to integrate with and resell the Druid Chatbot Platform. Druid is a world class artificial intelligence (AI)-driven, no-code chatbot authoring platform and has robust integration with the UiPath Platform.


Druid chatbot features are natively integrated with UiPath Studio, UiPath Orchestrator, and attended robots to support triggering automations directly from chat requests. The integration enables natural language handling of customer requests with chat providing seamless bidirectional communication between robots and humans. It uses powerful natural language processing (NLP) technology to interpret and provide information contextually.




Druid supports over 40 languages and offers more than 300 pre-built, ready to use conversational AI templates covering business scenarios across multiple industries and roles. Business data can be collected from the chatbot and shared bidirectionally with automations enabling precise data driven actions and notifications. With the UiPath and Druid partnership, you can now use social channels of your choice including WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, and web applications to serve your customers. From an IT perspective, it’s a highly scalable solution with a choice in deployment models across on-premises, cloud, or hybrid.



If you already have an existing chatbot platform in place, don’t worry, we have you covered too. UiPath is committed to an open platform and working with the technology providers that are important to you. We have also partnered with leading chatbot providers to provide direct integrations to the UiPath Platform.




The combination of the UiPath Platform with chatbots empowers you to deliver:

  • Improved customer service with 24/7 customer support
  • Increased customer engagement on the channel of customer’s choice
  • Faster and more accurate responses for your customers


You can leverage the AI-powered UiPath Platform and the Druid no-code authoring chatbot platform across all industries to automate customer service involving modern or legacy systems today. Check out the chatbots page for more information.


Contact Center Customer service chatbot automation

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