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Introducing UiPath Test Suite – Make Your Robots and Apps Stronger and More Resilient




Matt Holitza May 13, 2020

UiPath Test Suite - Comprehensive Application and RPA Testing | UiPath
The 20.4 Release Box Set


Matt Holitza is product marketing lead for Test Suite at UiPath.


Why have only 3% of organizations scaled their digital workforce? These were the findings in a 2019 Deloitte Robotic Process Automation (RPA) survey. They define scaling as more than 50 software robots.


Scaling automation is clearly a key contributor to a successful digital transformation. Whether they are software robots that perform business processes or tests that evaluate quality, both contribute to sustainable business growth and help improve operational efficiency.


Every department is striving for these gains and diligently working to automate but often doing so independently in silos - the business looks to RPA and development looks to build and test automation. They all find success, but it slows as they start to scale and automations begin to break.


Why are they breaking? Robots break for three primary reasons:

  • Changes to applications in the form of software releases
  • Changes to environments and configurations
  • Lack of thorough testing


Consider the following scenario:

During your Monday standup at 8:00 a.m., your vice president (VP) unexpectedly joins the Zoom call.

“Invoice processing is dead! Some invoices are making it into SAP, but they are all wrong.”

Your boss suggests inviting Terry, the VP of Development. “Oh, is this about the release?” (Collective sigh!)


So, what if the two teams were on the same page?


What if robots were prepared to handle different situations? What if they were more resilient?


What if invoice processing robots were automatically tested when the code that impacts invoicing was changed or enhanced?


This is why we built UiPath Test Suite.


UiPath Test Suite combines the world’s leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology with best-of-breed testing capabilities to sustainably accelerate scaling through proactive testing, cross-enterprise collaboration, and a consistent approach to create and deploy automations.


Test Suite benefits practitioners who create automations and stakeholders who depend on automations, including transformation leaders, business users, customers, and partners.

  • RPA teams can create more resilient robots to scale automations sustainably with comprehensive RPA testing. In addition, RPA tests can be data-driven to ensure robots can handle different data variations before they are deployed to production.
  • Test teams can automate testing of virtually any software application by empowering them with unified, best-of-breed testing capabilities including mobile, SAP, web, desktop, Citrix, DevOps, and application lifecycle management (ALM) integrations.


While UiPath Test Suite helps RPA teams and test teams for their independent testing needs, the true value of Test Suite is realized when both teams are using the UiPath Platform in a coordinated fashion.


Organizations that adopt UiPath for their application testing and RPA needs are taking the first step in creating a world-class automation practice that will accelerate scaling by:

  • Centralizing governance by using a common automation platform and approach
  • Building automation momentum by sharing automations between test and RPA teams
  • Ensuring every automation deployed is resilient, compliant, and high performing
  • Sharing skills, experience, and automation resources across your organization


With UiPath Test Suite, when the next software release impacts invoice processing or another automated process, everyone will be in the know, defects and issues will be found earlier, production problems will be avoided, and your business will deliver customer value more rapidly with far less risk.


So, be it testing software applications or testing existing RPA workflows, the UiPath Test Suite aims to answer your needs for scalable enterprise-wide automation.


Stop testing your patience and start testing proactively.


Scalability Product Releases Test Suite

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