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Defining Enterprise RPA

A 2018 Everest Research Report commissioned by UiPath

RPA has swiftly become the main go-to solution for senior executives of nearly every business environment, and with good reason - many enterprises have successfully deployed and leveraged automation for efficiency, general business improvement and other related objectives. However, all these endeavours come with specific challenges. Concerns about security, scalability, and automation maintenance are top of the mind of most organizations’ executives.


The report provides the findings of a survey-based research project that Everest Group undertook with 72 enterprise executives across multiple geographies, to understand what enterprises value as the most important features of an RPA solution. The research report includes:

  • An overview of the methodology and research
  • Introduction and the business case for enterprise-oriented RPA and how businesses define it
  • Five groups of features of RPA software that formed the dimensions that Everest Group used to check enterprises preferences and their relative overall significance
  • The factors that contribute to making an RPA solution enterprise-fit


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