Webinar Series: UiPath Hyperautomation Week
Practical steps on how to scale your automation program

Planning ahead when this global crisis stabilizes, executives all over the world will race to make up for lost time, to bring their revenue machines up as fast as possible. Automation will play a central role as companies look to reshape their businesses for long-term resiliency.

Join us for a series of practical content and approaches to help you scale your organization’s automation program. Get an overview of the scaling framework on Day 1, followed by deep dives into specific topics for the rest of the week.

UiPath subject matter experts and our customers will share how they have been successfully scaled their RPA programs. Don’t miss this chance to pick up practical tips and ask the experts questions about scaling automation.

A Framework Overview for your Automation Program

RPA has played a key role in many organizations’ digital transformation projects. As you consider scaling up RPA to drive incremental value for the business, you need a methodical and proven approach.

In this session UiPath and our guest speaker from Heritage Bank will share:

  • Overview of the automation scaling framework
  • The benefits of a scaling framework
  • Why and how you can start scaling your automation program
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Managing your Automation Pipeline

Process Discovery, Process Mining and Task Mining are great tools to uncover automation ideas. Prioritizing the automation ideas so that they yield the highest ROI is key.

Let us share with you how you can manage your automation pipeline and the tools available to ensure objective evaluation, result measurement and customer satisfaction.

In this session we will share:

  • Difference between Automation Hub, Process Mining and Task Mining
  • Prioritization factors to consider
  • Hands-on demo on Automation Hub
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Training & Skilling RPA Talent

When embarking on your RPA journey, focusing on your people is just as, if not more important, than choosing the right processes and technology.  Attracting and nurturing a progressive workforce, while empowering them to deliver enhanced value is second nature to Sunway Group.

In this session UiPath and our guest speaker from Sunway Group Msia will share:

  • Their experience of setting up and staffing a CoE  
  • The importance of bringing key stakeholders along and
  • How they utilized UiPath formal and informal channels to upskill, retain and attract a talented and progressive workforce for the digital era.

UiPath will also announce exciting enhancements to its Academy program and training curriculum, in this 60min online session.

Watch the Recording

Operationalising your Digital Workforce

Congratulations, your RPA Practice is formed and the increasing number of processes automated is making your Digital Workforce and expected ROI a reality. Join us to learn what is needed to onboard, nurture, mature and manage these new Digital Employees so they effectively and efficiently support your business.

In this session, we will share:

  • Services to manage Robot Operations
  • Criteria for Accepting into Production
  • Recommended Performance Metrics
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Friday, 12 June, 11:00 AM SGT / 1:00 PM AEST

In addition to CoE, governance and security standards are important to the scaling, controlling and operations of an automation program. Many are considering how to create, implement and maintain sustainably secured, controlled programs without slowing down the pace of automation.

In this session, we will cover:

  • Why now is the right time to discuss RPA security and governance
  • Implementing secure Hyperautomation right from the outset
  • How governance can limit RPA implementation inhibitors
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