RPA Blog | UiPath - Robotic Process Automation

A New Chapter in RPA: Take The Wheel of Your Automation Strategy

Written by Maura Chiriac | 22 July 2019

Editor's note: The UiPath product named in this article has evolved to reflect the continued evolution of the automation market. UiPath Connect Enterprise Hub is now UiPath Automation Hub. For up-to-date information check out our UiPath Automation Hub page.


Have you hit a wall in scaling Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?


According to the Economist’s recent report on automation, while 91% of surveyed organizations use automation technologies, only 51% make extensive use of them. Perhaps you have a few robots, and maybe even some well-intentioned employees emailing automation ideas. But despite the clear will to automate, there is often a gap on the next steps.


What are the best processes to automate? You know there are many possibilities but how do you discover, track, and prioritize them?



Finally, an easy path to RPA at scale


We are thrilled to share UiPath Connect Enterprise Hub, which answers these questions, and more.


Think of it as your central place to manage digital transformation at scale.



The Hub gives Robotic Operations Center (ROC) leaders powerful tools to effectively manage RPA deployments and empowers the most important piece of the automation puzzle – business employees – to become vital elements of your ROC.


Organizations no longer compete by going digital. Automation is your new differentiator.



From one Robot to one million


Through one comprehensive website, the Hub empowers you to:


  • Centrally manage your automation journey (all your automation artifacts are one click away, including your own reusable components repository)
  • Visualize the automation funnel from idea to production
  • Capture and automate the “long tail” of process inefficiencies, drive bottom-up innovation, and ensure automation quality
  • Prioritize digital transformation opportunities
  • Engage and reward employees for automating
  • Standardize automation initiatives across your company



This ensures you have an evergreen automation pipeline and can create new business opportunities by leveraging ready-made automations across your organization.



Employees can “automate that!”



While many fear artificial intelligence (AI) and automation take away jobs, the Economist reports that the vast majority of executives believe automation is “most effective when it complements humans, not replaces them.”


Yet, right now only 18% of executives report that automation is “freeing up employees to take on higher-level roles,” and only 17% say it has enhanced employee engagement and experience.”


What’s the discrepancy here? There is a clear desire for automation, but it’s not impacting employee well-being as expected.


Employees lack a tool to voice their individual daily struggles. The average worker cannot easily report what arduous tasks fill their days. Until now.


With Connect Enterprise Hub, employees can:


  • Learn to design, develop, and work alongside Robots
  • Get rewarded for automation ideas
  • Expand their impact by sharing subject matter expertise across the company
  • Collaborate on automation projects from anywhere



Fundamentally, this means we can all have happier work lives.



Interested in trying out the Hub?


Are you leading an automation initiative and eager to explore UiPath Connect Enterprise Hub? It’s easy:


Automation is your differentiator




Maura Chiriac is a Product Strategist for UiPath Connect Enterprise Hub.